Why the Need to Drink FU Talismans? A Comprehensive Guide

In the mystical world of Taoist magic, FU talismans are sacred symbols with immense power. But how exactly should these powerful talismans be utilized? Is drinking FU talisman water beneficial or harmful? Let’s delve into the specifics and understand why proper knowledge and usage of FU talismans are crucial.

Understanding FU Talismans

FU talismans are intricate magic symbols imbued with specific instructions for the Divine Lord to execute particular tasks. The complexity of these symbols is profound, and their application is specific to the situation they are intended for. Understanding the very essence of FU talismans is essential for any disciple within Saam Law Tao.

The Misconception of Consuming FU Talisman Water

Some are drawn to the idea of making FU talisman water and drinking it, believing that ingesting the talisman’s power directly into the body will yield the best results. This idea, though tempting, is gravely mistaken.

Comparing this act with using lotion, something intended for external application, the error becomes clear. Drinking lotion would be as misguided as applying cough medicine to the forehead – both actions are devoid of logic and benefit.

The Right Application: Exorcism FU as an Example

To illuminate the importance of the proper application, let’s take the example of Exorcism FU. These FU talismans are designed to exorcise evils, but the application varies depending on the threat. If evils have penetrated the heart or soul, internal dealings are required, while external tagging evils are dealt with differently. Taking the wrong FU and consuming it would not only be ineffective but could also be detrimental.

Specificity in FU Talismans

FU talismans are not generic symbols to be used arbitrarily. They are meticulously crafted with specific bands, loops, and FU DARM (a blob of ink containing specific spells and symbols). The FU DARM is akin to the soul of the FU, holding detailed information on its execution.

Many fake FUs available online lack this essential part, as most copycats reproduce FU talismans from low-quality sources that don’t contain FU DARM. It is like a letter with just a title and no body; without instructions, the FU is rendered powerless.

Learning and Practicing FU Talismans with Saam Law Tao

To harness the true potential of FU talismans, one must invest in learning and understanding their intricacies. Blind copying and misuse of FU can lead to unexpected outcomes, and the sacred art of Taoist magic deserves respect and diligence.

Get Ordained and Learn from the Experts

As a disciple of Saam Law Tao, the path to mastering FU talismans is through proper ordination and guided learning. We offer detailed instruction and hands-on experience to help you grasp the sophistication of Taoist FU spells and secrets.

You can also explore our eBook on Taoism FU spells to gain insight into the depth and complexity of FU drawings.


The world of FU talismans in Taoist magic is rich and profound. Misunderstanding and misapplication can lead to confusion and ineffectiveness. Understanding the precise nature and application of FU talismans is vital for anyone venturing into this spiritual realm.

By embracing the teachings of Saam Law Tao, one can embark on a rewarding journey towards mastering the art of FU talismans. If you seek wisdom, guidance, and the true essence of Taoist magic, consider getting ordained today or exploring our resources. The path to enlightenment and empowerment is open to all who seek it with sincerity and devotion.