portrait photo of woman in yellow t shirt doing the shh sign while standing in front of blue background

Title: The Ripple Effect: How a Bad Mouth Can Bring Bad Luck

In an era defined by skepticism and critique, it’s easy to fall into the trap of harsh judgment, especially when it comes to esoteric topics such as sorcery, religion, and Taoism. In a world riddled with counterfeit promises and virtual deception, we’ve grown cynical. While skepticism has its place, it’s essential to understand that mindless bashing and undue negative discourse may lead to an unforeseen cycle of bad luck.

Taoism, a religion with wisdom, offers insights into this phenomenon. Central to its teachings is the concept of harmony and balance. Taoists believe that our actions, thoughts, and words contribute to the energy we exude and attract.

The Cycle of Negative Energy

The principle of harmony underscores Taoism’s spiritual practices, including sorcery. For the uninitiated, it might be easy to dismiss this as mere hocus-pocus, a fraudulent activity devoid of substance. However, the critique and dismissive behavior we exhibit without adequate knowledge or understanding often leads us to a harmful path of negative energy.

When we speak ill of others, we’re not just damaging their reputation; we’re inadvertently harming ourselves. Negative words spread negative energy, and this negativity can rebound on us, bringing about misfortune and troubles. Just as a pebble causes ripples when dropped in a tranquil pond, our negative words can disrupt the harmony in our lives and those around us.

Embracing a Better Mindset

To break this cycle, it is necessary to adopt a better mindset. How? By learning and understanding. It’s about cultivating an attitude of respect and open-mindedness, even when faced with concepts or practices that are unfamiliar or seem mystical to us.

As we continue to emphasize the importance of maintaining respect and an open mind, let’s revisit an event from the annals of history. Consider the inventors of the airplane, the Wright Brothers. At the onset of their journey, many laughed at their audacious dreams. People couldn’t comprehend the idea of a heavy metal object flying in the sky, as it defied their understanding of the world.

Yet, the Wright Brothers carried on, undeterred by the skepticism and ridicule. When they finally succeeded, those who had once laughed stood in awe, marveling at the magnificent spectacle of human ingenuity. The brothers’ perseverance taught us an important lesson – that dismissing what we don’t understand often leads to missed opportunities and delayed progress.

Similarly, it’s easy to dismiss practices like sorcery or philosophies like Taoism because they don’t conform to conventional understanding. It’s simpler to laugh, ridicule, or even vilify. But remember the Wright Brothers, and countless others, who turned the seemingly impossible into reality. It’s always better to seek understanding before passing judgment.

Your Journey Towards Understanding

So, how can one make the first steps towards this understanding? A great starting point is the eBook, “My First Taoism Book“. This text simplifies the core teachings of Taoism, making it accessible to everyone, regardless of their background or prior knowledge.

By engaging with this material, you’re not merely reading a book—you’re taking the first steps towards understanding a way of life that has guided millions for thousands of years. This understanding can help you see beyond the surface of practices like sorcery, recognizing their profound, underlying principles, and fostering a more respectful mindset towards them.

There’s a saying in Chinese: 各師各法, which translates to “each teacher, his own method”. This axiom underlines the essence of diversity within practices and teachings, including within spiritual and philosophical traditions like Taoism. Each sect or school of thought has its unique approach, its distinct interpretations, which may differ from those of other sects.

When a new sect emerges, with teachings or practices that deviate from the established norms, it’s not uncommon for it to face criticism, ridicule, or even hostility from those entrenched in existing traditions. This is a reflection of our inherent resistance to change and our tendency to view the unfamiliar with suspicion or disdain.

Consider, for instance, a scenario where an established sect practices a form of meditation that emphasizes silent introspection. A new sect emerges, advocating for a meditation style that includes vocal chants or movements. To the followers of the older tradition, this new method may seem unconventional, absurd, even disrespectful. They may laugh at it, criticise it, perhaps even condemn it.

However, it’s crucial to remember the principle of 各師各法. Just because a practice is different doesn’t mean it’s wrong or inferior. Diversity in methods can lead to a richness of understanding, offering different paths to the same destination. Over time, as understanding of the new sect’s practices grows, what was once a source of ridicule can become a respected tradition in its own right.

This lesson is not limited to the realms of religion or philosophy. It’s a reminder for all aspects of life – be it culture, technology, or society. Before we laugh at or dismiss something that we don’t understand, it’s wiser to make an effort to understand it first. Who knows, the thing we initially laugh at might end up being the next big revolution, just like the invention of the airplane, or the establishment of a new, insightful Taoist sect.

On Becoming a Taoist

If, on your journey, you find that the teachings of Taoism resonate with you, you may wish to delve deeper and consider becoming ordained as a Taoist. Being a Taoist is about living a life of balance and harmony, acknowledging the interconnectedness of all things, and cultivating wisdom through understanding.

Ordination is not just about donning the Taoist robe; it’s a spiritual journey that can transform your life, opening your eyes to a world that values harmony, peace, and understanding over blind judgment and negativity.

In conclusion, it is worth remembering that our words hold immense power. They have the ability to build bridges, but they can also erect walls. They can light the way, but they can also plunge us into darkness. As you navigate your way through the mystic realms of Taoism and sorcery, remember to tread softly and speak kindly. For in the world of energy and balance, what goes around indeed comes back around.

In your journey of understanding, it’s essential to remember that the world of magic and sorcery is like a double-edged sword. It holds immense power, akin to a gun, that can be wielded for both good and harm. Sorcerers, like gun holders, are individuals with the potential to use their powers either for protecting or harming others. Therefore, the respect you display towards them plays a crucial role in the energy you attract from them.

Consider this scenario: if you were to confront a gun-holder with aggression and disrespect, you’d likely incite a negative response, potentially leading to a dangerous situation. The same principle applies to individuals practicing magic or sorcery. Disrespecting or belittling them might lead to a negative ripple effect in your life, due to the negative energy such actions breed.

Therefore, it’s not merely about refraining from uttering disrespectful words for fear of retribution, but understanding the fundamental principle that respect and harmony guide the universe. By cultivating respect and understanding for the practices of others, we foster a peaceful co-existence, benefiting ourselves and the world around us.