thunder striking a building photo

The Taoist Thunder Exam: A Guide for Disciples

Greetings, my dear disciples. Today, I wish to share with you a profound concept in our Taoist journey – the Taoist Thunder Exam. You may have seen it depicted in modern TV shows, where characters face and overcome various trials or “thunder catastrophes” to become immortals. However, the reality of the Thunder Exam is far from these dramatized depictions.

The True Nature of the Thunder Exam

The Thunder Exam is not a physical trial, but a spiritual and mental one. It is a test of faith, discipline, and resilience. When you, as a practitioner, reach a certain stage in your Taoist journey, the Tao tests you by lifting its protective coating. This exposes you to the hurdles and catastrophes that are part of your life. These hurdles are not punishments, but rather part of your spiritual planetary body, accumulated from your previous lives.

The Power of Faith and Determination

Overcoming these hurdles requires maintaining faith, discipline, and respect for the Tao. Remember, your power comes from your connection to the Tao. When faced with hurdles, you may feel like rebelling or being lazy. However, this is a sign that you are pushing yourself away from the Tao, which weakens your power.

The Impact of Detaching from the Tao

When you detach from the Tao, you become weaker, and your ability to solve problems diminishes. This detachment can manifest as a feeling of rebellion, avoidance of responsibilities, or blaming the Tao for your problems. However, it is crucial to remember that you are the one pushing yourself away from the Tao, not the other way around.

The Path to Overcoming Hurdles

When faced with a hurdle, the best approach is to submit yourself to the Tao and seek guidance from a master. This submission is not about giving up control but about acknowledging that you do not know everything and need guidance to overcome the hurdle. By following the master’s guidance, you can pass the hurdle and feel more connected to the Tao.

Final Thoughts

The Taoist Thunder Exam is a crucial part of your spiritual journey. It tests your faith, discipline, and resilience and helps you grow stronger in your connection to the Tao. By maintaining faith and seeking guidance, you can overcome these hurdles and continue your journey towards spiritual enlightenment.

Remember, my disciples, the path of Taoism is not an easy one, but it is a rewarding one. Stay strong, stay faithful, and you will overcome any hurdle that comes your way. If you are facing one now, I strongly recommend you embrace the power of the “Heart Scripture” and “God of War Scripture” to not let yourself fail!