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The Power of Tao: Why Ordaining Your Children as Taoists Can Be a Powerful Path to Growth


When we hear the word “ordination,” our minds often leap to images of dedication, cultivation, and training. Indeed, many believe that ordaining as a Taoist inherently demands an immediate commitment to the cultivation of knowledge and the learning of esoteric practices. However, this common belief may not fully capture the depth and nuances of Taoist ordination. The act of ordination in Taoism carries with it a sense of surrender to the Tao – a profound commitment that yields both protection and guidance. This article will explore why you might consider getting your children ordained as Taoists.

Understanding Taoist Ordination

Taoist ordination, at its core, is a submission to the Tao. It’s a heartfelt declaration of a desire to align one’s life with the Tao’s principles. And while the idea of alignment might evoke thoughts of strenuous cultivation or spiritual training, it’s crucial to understand that this isn’t always the case.

By choosing to ordain, your child submits themselves to the Tao and lets it take care of their life. This choice doesn’t necessitate immediate cultivation or learning. Rather, it is an act of acceptance – the child accepts the Tao, the Tao accepts the child, and the process culminates in an ordination ceremony, officially making the child a Taoist.

The Tao’s Protection: A Journey, Not a Shield

By becoming a Taoist, your child gains the protective embrace of the Tao. However, it’s vital to clarify that this protection doesn’t mean an absence of hardship. Life, in its infinite complexity, inevitably presents us with challenges and hurdles – a reality that ordination as a Taoist does not change.

However, Taoist ordination provides a unique kind of protection. The Tao offers guidance, helping your child navigate and learn from their hurdles. It becomes a supportive force, enabling them to grow stronger and wiser through their life experiences.

Transforming Challenges into Opportunities

Everyone encounters setbacks and failures. However, there is a fundamental difference between merely suffering these hardships and using them as opportunities for growth. With the Tao’s guidance, your child can gain strength and wisdom from their struggles. They can transform hurdles into stepping stones, making them more resilient and enabling them to flourish even amidst adversity.

This perspective empowers children to avoid falling into the traps of complaint and regret that often bog people down, instead encouraging them to continually learn and evolve.

Guiding Children Towards a Purposeful Life

As parents, we all want our children to lead fulfilled, meaningful lives. We don’t want them to aimlessly chase transient excitement, only to find themselves adrift in later life. The Tao, through its guidance and protection, can help children find their path.

When children face life’s challenges with the Tao at their backs, they can find their way out and learn from their experiences. They become equipped to navigate life’s complexities, instead of repeatedly falling into the same pitfalls.


Ordaining your child as a Taoist isn’t just about spiritual cultivation or learning esoteric practices. It’s about empowering them to live under the Tao’s protection and guidance, enabling them to turn life’s challenges into opportunities for growth. This lifelong journey with the Tao at their back can help them lead purposeful, fulfilled lives.

It’s time to think of Taoist ordination not as a rigid commitment to spiritual training but as an invitation to embark on a lifelong journey of growth, resilience, and wisdom. After all, the greatest gift we can give our children is the ability to navigate their life with wisdom and resilience – and Taoist ordination may just be the pathway to that gift.