photo of panda and cub playing

The Heart’s Creation: Understanding the Taoist Perspective on Gods

As a Taoist Master, I have often been approached by seekers of wisdom with questions about the nature of gods in Taoism. Today, I wish to share with you an enlightening perspective that unravels the essence of gods through a simple yet profound tale.

The Tale of Little Mei and BaoBao

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Mei. On her birthday, she received a gift that would change her life – a small, plush panda. Mei decided to name this panda BaoBao. With wide, innocent eyes, she whispered to BaoBao that they would be the best of friends and that BaoBao would always protect her.

As days turned into weeks, Mei’s bond with BaoBao grew. She talked to BaoBao, shared her secrets, and even set a place for him at the dinner table. BaoBao was no longer just a plush panda; he was Mei’s confidant and guardian.

The Birth of a Guardian

What Mei didn’t realize was that through her unwavering faith and heartfelt interactions, she was tapping into the preheaven energies within her. She was creating a spiritual embryo that was maturing with each passing day. BaoBao, through Mei’s heart and faith, was transforming into a guardian spirit.

The Power of the Guardian

One day, Mei faced a difficult math problem at school. She felt frustrated and defeated. That night, she sat down with BaoBao and said, “BaoBao, can you help me solve this math problem? It’s really hard!” She felt a warmth emanating from BaoBao, and suddenly, the solution to the problem became clear in her mind. Mei was ecstatic! She realized that BaoBao had indeed become her guardian and helper.

The Guardian’s Emblem

As Mei grew, she wanted to carry BaoBao’s protection with her everywhere. She decided to create an emblem that would represent BaoBao. After several sketches, she felt a particular connection to a design that resembled a panda with a heart. Mei felt BaoBao’s approval and joy.

She drew this emblem on a small stone and carried it with her. Whenever she needed guidance or protection, she would hold the stone and feel BaoBao’s presence.

The Fragility of Faith

However, as Mei entered her teenage years, societal pressures began to weigh on her. Her friends and family told her that it was time to put away childish things. Slowly, Mei began to distance herself from BaoBao.

One day, Mei tried to seek BaoBao’s guidance but felt nothing. The connection was severed. Mei’s heart had changed, and with it, the guardian spirit that had been born from her heart had faded away.

The Wisdom of Taoism

This tale reflects the Taoist understanding that gods are born from the heart and preheaven energies. They are not distant, mythical beings but entities that can be created and nurtured through faith and interaction.

However, it is essential to understand that this connection is fragile. Just as the heart can give life to gods, it can also take it away.

As a Taoist Master, I urge you to embrace the wisdom of Taoism and understand the power that resides within your heart. Through faith, dedication, and reverence, you can forge spiritual connections that transcend the physical realm. However, it is essential to recognize that while gods can be born from the heart, as Taoists, we go beyond that.

In Taoism, we cultivate gods in a systematic and disciplined manner, which significantly enhances their power and utility compared to a simple creation like BaoBao. This cultivation is crucial, especially in a world where spiritual forces can be wielded for both good and ill. There are individuals who may employ magic or sorcery with the intent to cause harm, and they are certainly not relying on the equivalent of a plush BaoBao god.

To protect oneself and harness the true potential of spiritual energies, it is imperative to engage in higher forms of cultivation. This is where ordination in Taoism becomes invaluable. By getting ordained, you embark on a path of learning and embracing gods that have been meticulously cultivated. This empowers you with the knowledge and skills necessary to navigate the spiritual realm effectively and safeguard against any spiritual threats.

I invite you to take this step and immerse yourself in the rich tapestry of Taoist wisdom. Ordain today, and unlock the doors to a world of cultivated gods, spiritual empowerment, and enlightenment.