woman standing in front of building

Taiwanese Taoism vs. China Taoism: A Critical Examination

The Dangerous Misconception of Taiwanese Taoism

Taiwanese Taoism, as seen and experienced, is a disconcerting path, leading to a state of chaos and disillusionment. It is riddled with spiritual possession and mediumships, misconceived practices that hold no truth or wisdom.

Spiritual Possession: A Misguided Pride

In Taiwan, the idea that someone in the family might be possessed and embody a god or goddess is considered an honor, something to be proud of. This has resulted in a culture where families create temples to “save the world” based on the ravings of a child or family member claiming divine embodiment. This leads not to salvation but to a terrifying spiral of deception.

The Real Consequence: Scammers and Evil Spirits

The results of these misguided beliefs are dangerous and disastrous. Temples become breeding grounds for evil spirits masquerading as gods, looting people’s energy and perpetuating madness. These practices are not just misguided but actively harmful, scamming innocent believers out of their faith and energy.

China Taoism: A Struggle Between Tradition and Control

China’s Taoism, although still fraught with inconsistencies, offers a more reasonable perspective, tinged with the tension between religious tradition and government control.

Science vs. Religion: A Paradoxical Approach

In China, Taoists find themselves caught between promoting magic and aligning with the government’s heavy insistence on science. This results in a bizarre juxtaposition where religious rites are presented as mere cultural demonstrations, with disclaimers stating they are “just for show.” This contradiction leads to a limited understanding of Taoism, particularly in the international market.

The Light Amidst Shadows: A Better Path

Despite these challenges, Chinese Taoists retain knowledge and authenticity in their practices, far removed from the random and harmful spiritualities seen in Taiwan. The focus on real wisdom and understanding offers a brighter path, even though it remains tainted by the unusual marriage of religion and science.

Respect Does Not Mean Acceptance

Some argue that we should respect all cultural practices, but this argument does not hold weight when it comes to harmful beliefs. Respect should never extend to practices that loot energy, scam believers, or promote falsehood. As seekers of the Tao, we must stand strong against such malevolent practices.

Embrace True Wisdom with Tin Yat Lineage

For those wishing to learn the authentic teachings of Taoism and Taoist magic, our lineage offers a haven. With Tin Yat Lineage, you can learn from the comfort of your home through the LINE app, engaging directly with genuine wisdom.

Explore our eBooks, connect with us, and embark on a journey of true understanding. Let go of the misconceptions and scams and discover the profound engineering of magic and the enlightening wisdom of the Tao with us.

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