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A Comprehensive Guide to Successful Taoism: Building the Faith

Embracing Taoism is more than just a faith decision; it’s a choice to adopt a new mindset, to perceive life through a different lens, and to surrender oneself to the eternal wisdom and teachings that the path provides. This comprehensive guide aims to illuminate your journey towards becoming a successful Taoist, showing you the first steps and imparting key pieces of Taoist wisdom that will help you connect with your inner self and the Tao.

Step One: Embrace Selflessness

The first step towards being a successful Taoist is to embrace selflessness. This involves forgetting yourself and letting go of your ego. One must remember that in the grand scheme of the cosmos, the individual self is a minuscule entity. Releasing your ego allows you to become one with the Tao and to harmonize with the world around you.

Understanding the True Nature of Faith

Faith is an intrinsic part of any spiritual path. In Taoism, faith is likened to the unassailable trust that a newborn baby places in its parents. Newborns don’t question their parents or harbor any doubts; they just follow. They have a primal faith that their parents will do what is best for them.

As we grow, our experiences, both good and bad, shape our perspectives. We learn about the risks involved in blind faith – scams, deceptions, and monetary losses. These lessons make us more defensive, less willing to trust, and fearful of loss. As adults, we tend to overthink, question, and scrutinize before placing our faith in anything or anyone.

However, this heightened sense of skepticism and fear can weaken us. Just like a baby that stumbles, falls, and tries again, we need to be willing to take risks and learn from our experiences. It’s only through experiencing life in all its rawness that we can grow mentally stronger.

Building a Strong Taoist Foundation

Becoming a successful Taoist involves seeking out a higher power, a guiding force that leads you along a new life path. Imagine you are seeking employment from a large company; you must have faith in that company and align yourself with its values and goals. Similarly, to be a successful Taoist, you must have faith in the Tao and willingly follow the instructions of your master.

Your Taoist master is a representation of the Tao, guiding you along the path. It’s essential to ask for guidance and follow it faithfully, rather than imposing your own ideas and decisions. You should approach the Tao with the trust and curiosity of a newborn, open to learning and experiencing the path in all its beauty and complexity.

Embracing Failure and Moving Forward

Life is a journey fraught with challenges and failures. But each stumbling block is a stepping stone to learning and growth. If you find that the Taoist path doesn’t align with you, that’s okay. You have the freedom to explore other paths until you find one that resonates with you.

The key lies in accepting failure as a natural part of life. There’s no shame in falling; the shame lies in not getting back up. If you stumble upon the Tao and feel a connection, embrace it. If you’re ready to proceed, don’t hesitate. Be a faithful follower, and trust in your master’s guidance.

Faith: The Key to Successful Taoism

A Taoist disciple without faith is like a car without fuel – going nowhere. The magic of Taoism begins with faith. Without faith, the Tao won’t respond, and your efforts will be in vain. Whether you’re a believer or a disciple, it’s crucial to trust your master’s teachings and follow the path laid out for you.

Remember, your faith is the bedrock of your spiritual journey. Cherish it, nurture it, and let it guide you towards becoming a successful Taoist.

If you wish to delve deeper into Taoist wisdom and understand its intricacies, consider exploring the “36 Pearls of Wisdom,” a comprehensive eBook that provides profound insights into Taoist philosophy. Alternatively, if you are committed to walking the Taoist path, consider getting ordained. This not only signifies your commitment but also connects you to a supportive community that will journey alongside you, enriching your experience and understanding of the Tao.