photo of a woman with a sword

How to Learn Properly as a Taoist: A Discourse on Mastery and Wisdom

As aspiring Taoists, we encounter a vast sea of knowledge waiting to be explored. We become eager to grasp the secrets of Taoist magic, diving deep into this fascinating world. However, as exciting as this journey is, we must learn to tread carefully. The crux of this matter can be understood by reflecting on an enlightening narrative from a popular Chinese TV show related to Taoism. This is the show I am talking about – SHOW LINK. (ref: Eps 14)

The Parable of the Misguided Disciple

In the show, there’s a tale of a young girl diligently practicing her fire magic, a skill she had honed for years in her hometown. She was confident in her abilities, ready to impress her master. However, when she performed her magic in front of him, he continuously corrected her, pointing out her mistakes. Her pride turned into disappointment. She was convinced that she had practiced this magic at least ten thousand times, surely more than her master ever had. How could she be so wrong?

A Lesson in Humility and Proper Learning

In response, the master demonstrated the correct way to perform the fire magic, resulting in a far more potent display of power. He then asked an untrained individual to follow his instructions, and the outcome was already much more potent than the girl’s attempt. She was left shocked and silenced. The master then bestowed upon her a vital piece of wisdom: “If you practice the wrong thing for ten thousand times, you will only strengthen and root the wrongs and flaws. It doesn’t make you better. Even a newbie, who doesn’t know a thing, learning it right and doing it a few times, would be better than you because he doesn’t have the flaws and wrongs.”

The girl, feeling ashamed, began practicing on her own. The master asked, “Do you know where you went wrong?” The question hanged in the air as she left to continue her practice.

The Pitfall of Improper Practice

This narrative is not merely a TV show script. It demonstrates a common pitfall that many disciples fall into. The persistent practice of wrong techniques can lead to deep-rooted flaws that are challenging to correct. Even when it’s time for correction, many disciples hesitate to ask for guidance, only to continue practicing wrongly and further ingraining these incorrect patterns.

A disciple’s reluctance to ask for guidance only serves to compound their mistakes, leading to a point where it’s challenging to unlearn the errors and relearn the correct way. It’s like a path diverging into the wrong direction, the more you travel, the farther you get from the correct destination.

Embracing the True Path of Learning

So, how should we proceed on this journey of Taoist learning? As learners, it’s essential to frequently seek guidance from a master, be open to correction, and continually refine our practices. There should be no hesitation in asking for guidance, no shame in admitting a misunderstanding, and no reluctance in correcting our ways.

As disciples, we should strive to follow the Taoist principle of being like an “empty vessel.” It signifies the willingness to unlearn, to be receptive, and to approach learning with a sense of humility and openness.

Seeking Ordination and Enlightenment

For those of you who wish to embark on this enlightening journey, consider seeking ordination. Becoming ordained provides an essential structure for learning and a path for your Taoist journey. It places you under the guidance of a master who can correct your practices, guide you through your learning, and help you avoid ingraining incorrect patterns.

“36 Pearls of Wisdom” – Your Guide to Mastery

The eBook “36 Pearls of Wisdom” can serve as a valuable resource on this journey. This collection of wisdom is derived from the teachings of ancient and contemporary Taoist masters. It provides practical insights into the principles of Taoist magic, fostering an understanding of Taoist philosophy, and equipping you with the necessary tools to practice correctly and effectively.

This journey of learning, correcting, and relearning is a challenging yet rewarding one. It requires humility, persistence, and a willingness to seek and accept guidance. This is the essence of proper Taoist learning. Remember, “The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” May you tread this path with wisdom and a heart open to learning.